si wafer size
Currently, there is a wide range of wafer sizes. To meet the needs of different applications, we can provide you with a variety of different wafer sizes.
Please contact our business department. We will send you the product specifications and various parameters. We also provide small quantity orders.
si wafer size
Silicon wafer sizes have gone through a gradual standardization process in the semiconductor industry, and the main sizes include:
1 inch (25.4 mm)
2 inch (50.8 mm)
3 inch (76.2 mm)
4 inches (100 mm)
4.9 inches (125 mm), sometimes referred to as “5 inches”
5 inches (127 mm)
6 inch (150 mm)
8 inch (200 mm)
Millimeters (mm) are the units:
150 mm (equivalent to 6 inches)
200 mm (equivalent to 8 inches)
300 mm (equivalent to 12 inches)
450 mm (equivalent to 18 inches, but not widely commercialized)
12-inch wafers Gradually, 12-inch wafers are becoming the dominant choice for advanced chip manufacturing. 200 mm and 300 mm wafers are the most common sizes and are used for the production of a large number of semiconductor devices.
8-inch wafers were dominant in the 2000s, and are still being used in the production of certain specific types of chips.
Smaller sized wafers may still be used in specific applications or in older production lines, but new projects and expansions are mostly focused on larger sizes to improve productivity and economics.